- The illustrious Baby on Board sticker featuring the Baby Banter and the Civivi logo.
- Space Kitty holding a space kitty Banter. So meta.
- A circular Knafs sticker.
- The Lunar Lander Sticker designed by the incomparable Stephen Griffin.
- WIUG logo sticker in Ben Blue.
- The How I Use My Knives graph sticker.
I keep hearing the cool kids calling stickers "Slaps." I also hear them say that something cool "slaps." So, can I say these Slaps slap? Slapping Slaps? Sick Slaps that slap? Correct me if I'm wrong, eh? Now in my language: These stickers are rad. They're wicked cool. So solid. I'm stoked about them. Did we mention they're made in USA? Yep, they are.